If you're a fan of farm-to-table cooking, stop by the MainStreet Cleveland Farmer's Market. You'll find some of the freshest, most delectable produce around. Whether you're looking for some sweet corn to throw on the grill or you want to make a nice BLT, the MainStreet market is the perfect Thursday night shopping trip.
This event is hosted outdoors at the Cleveland Woolen Mill (which was the original location of Hardwick, our favorite men's clothier) every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m at 445 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311.
Not only will you find the best in local fare, there will also be arts, crafts, demonstrations, and occasional outdoor entertainment. If you are looking to get our of your house and hit the streets then the Mainstreet Cleveland Farmer's Market is the place to be.